A New Theory of the Earth: From Its Original, to the Consummation of All ThingsTooke, 1708 - 547 pages |
Autres éditions - Tout afficher
A New Theory of the Earth: From Its Original, to the Consummation of All ... William Whiston Aucun aperçu disponible - 2009 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
Abydenus Affertion alfo allow'd ancient Antediluvian arife Atmoſphere becauſe cafe caufe cauſe Chaos Comet confequence confider'd confiderable Conftitution Coroll Corollary correfpondent courfe Days defcending Deluge demonftrate deriv'd diftance Diurnal Diurnal Motion Diurnal Rotation Divine eafily eafy Earth Ecliptick Ellipfis equal faid fame feem felf feven feveral fhall fhould Fiffures fince fingle firft firſt Fluid folid fome ftate ftill fuch fufficient fuppofe fuppos'd Heat Heaven Hiftory Hypothefis inftance intire juft laft leaft leaſt lefs luge Lunar Manetho matter mention'd Mofaick Creation Mofes moft Month Moon moſt Motion Mountains muft muſt Nature neceffary obferv'd Obfervations occafion Orbit otherwife paffing Perihelion Phanomena plain Planets Plutarch poffible Pofition prefent Primitive priùs Propofition prov'd reafon reft revolving Sacred Scholium Scripture Syftem Syncel thefe themſelves thereof theſe things thofe thoſe tion tis evident Univerfal uſe vaft Vapours Waters Weft whofe World δὲ καὶ μὲν τὸ